Uber and Lyft threatened to leave Minnesota — then Tim Walz stepped in

Walz vetoed a bill raising Uber and Lyft driver pay, fearing they’d leave Minnesota, despite support from progressive allies.

Governor Walz's Veto

Progressives and driver groups criticized Walz for siding with corporations over drivers but were later appeased by new legislation.

Progressive Disappointment

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Walz signed a law raising driver pay by 20%, adding insurance protections, and regulating driver deactivation.

Compromise Legislation

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Uber and Lyft dropped their threat to leave Minnesota after the compromise, making Minnesota the second state to regulate rideshare pay.

Tech Companies' Response

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The new law didn’t address driver reclassification as employees, an issue central to broader labor rights for gig workers.

Remaining Issues Issues

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Walz’s handling of the issue is scrutinized as he joins Kamala Harris’s campaign, reflecting potential influences on his political trajectory.

National Implications

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