Founders and VCs back a pan-European C corp, but an ‘EU Inc’ has a rocky road ahead

Europe is seeking to create a new, EU-wide corporate status for innovative companies to boost competitiveness.

Europe's Bid for a Pan-EU Corporate Status

The 'EU Inc' campaign is pushing for a new corporate entity, known as the '28th regime', to complement the existing 27 national legal structures in the EU.

The '28th Regime' Proposal

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The EU Inc initiative has gained significant support from founders, investors, and lobbying groups like France Digitale, who see it as crucial for enabling pan-European growth.

Startup and VC Backing

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While the EU Inc proposal has momentum, it faces hurdles in getting EU member states to agree on a simple and streamlined implementation, avoiding bureaucratic pitfalls that have plagued past EU-wide legal structures.

Challenges Ahead

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